Increasing Brand Recognition and Revenue for Martin Dingman

For over 30 years, Martin Dingman has provided fine leather goods with a foundation built on quality, heritage, and refined country life. Each collection is created with timeless style, skilled craftsmanship, and an uncompromising attention to detail.

Since its inception, the primary focus of Martin Dingman has been B2B sales. Utilizing direct and in-person sales techniques, their target market included locally-owned fine men’s wear retail locations.

When they decided to put more focus on growing their B2C business online, they reached out to Classy Llama to help with their paid search campaigns. This relationship grew to include website development along with business and marketing consulting.


In 2017, Martin Dingman decided to put more focus on growing their B2C business. They set a goal of reaching 50% of their total sales while also maintaining the success they had seen in the retail market. 


Continuing to honor the relationships that Martin Dingman had built with local store owners was very important. Choosing to digitally market their own online store while maintaining their relationships with retailers posed some challenges.


In addition, while Martin Dingman has provided fine leather goods for over 30 years and offers superior quality men’s shoes and accessories, their brand recognition was negligible. 

Martin Dingman’s return customer conversion rate of 3% was quite remarkable given the product type and price point. However, new user traffic to the site was very low due to minimal brand recognition. 


In Addition, Martin Dingman’s website had several SEO issues. A lack of keywords resulted in the inability for their site to show up in organic search and a higher cost-per-click for paid search ads. 


In order to grow Martin Dingman’s business, Classy Llama focused on growing their audience reach while also capitalizing on customers who had previously purchased from them.


Paid search campaigns saw low conversion rates and visibility due to high competition and competitors with much higher search ad budgets. By focusing on highly specific keywords, properly utilizing available ad real estate and including keywords in the ad messaging and ad extensions, Classy Llama was able to achieve a higher ad quality while also maintaining a lower cost-per-click.


A small target market of men that buy luxury shoes online combined with competitors utilizing much larger budgets made it extremely difficult to build brand recognition through social media. It took months of maintaining excellent images and performing test after test to begin seeing good results. Once the right results were reached, the ad budget was slowly increased while maintaining a goal of 1,000% or more return on ad spend (ROAS).


Classy Llama was able to generate brand awareness for Martin Dingman by running remarketing, display and dynamic search ad campaigns and applying more budget to smart shopping and branded campaigns. In addition, we were able to achieve low acquisition cost by focusing on highly specific keywords and improving ad quality.

Although ad spend increased by 81.68%, Martin Dingman’s revenue increased by 171.61% with a small decline of 1.17% ROAS and maintaining a 1,382% ROAS average. The increase in ad spend attributed to 73.86% more users which should continue to lead to future purchases and higher lifetime customer value. 

New Customer Sales

New Customers +47.09%

New Customer Revenue: +156.75%

CVR +36.58%

Google Ad Sales

Revenue: 380.48%

CVR: 40.71%

Facebook Ad Sales 

Revenue: +3,428.12%

CVR +676.18%


Migrating from Bronto to Klaviyo? Let us help!

Moving to a new marketing automation platform takes time, effort, and resources. It may be tempting to hold out so you can postpone the trouble of migrating, but waiting too long to transition could mean  losing out on sales and new customers.

If you’re dreading the idea of having to move off of Bronto and the mere idea of switching email marketing platforms has you in a state of technological inertia, Klaviyo and Classy Llama are here to help.

Here’s the truth: we want to see your company have a simple, low-stress migration from Bronto to Klaviyo. Switching platforms for something as important as email marketing can be really, really stressful. Not to mention, because of Bronto’s end of life causing the need to migrate, it’s easy to be frustrated by the feeling of having to deal with this kind of headache.

That’s why Classy Llama’s goal when shepherding a Bronto migration is to connect with you, discover your biggest stresses around the process, and make it as easy on you and your business as possible. With our combined marketing and technical experience and knowledge, we’re uniquely positioned to make sure every part of your migration journey is handled with care and all the boxes are ticked properly.

We are focused to ensure not just a successful migration, but a clear pathway for generating revenue from your email channel. As a full service eCommerce agency, you’re also backed by a world class development team giving you more peace of mind for complex technical needs.”

Karl Brown, Marketing Strategist

The biggest difference between our agency and others is our perspective: developing a relationship with you comes first, and all the work we do flows from there. That’s why we’re dedicated to working hard to create long-term success with you and Klaviyo, rather than simply putting a bandage on the problem by migrating you from Bronto and then moving on.

Our drive to help you win and make sure Klaviyo works in the best possible ways for your company is at the core of our Bronto migration work. In our work with clients, we live by this philosophy: Classy Llama only succeeds when you do.

So, let’s get started on your migration! Click here to get started today

Creating an Improved Experience for Precious Moments


Precious Moments is known around the world for their carefully curated gifts and timeless collectibles. Their customers count on them for high-quality, meaningful collections that they treasure and proudly display.

As a long-standing client of Classy Llama, we’ve had the pleasure of seeing Precious Moments grow their online presence, continually looking for opportunities to showcase their well-loved products and better serve their shoppers.

Recently, Precious Moments focused on upgrading their website to optimize the online experience for both B2C and B2B customers. 


Prior to this project, Precious Moments had a site built primarily on Magento 1 that had been implemented in 2012. Although the platform has served its purpose extremely well over the years, it became outdated and reached “end-of-life” in 2020.

As they considered replatforming their site, the primary goals were to simplify implementation and maintenance, and allow them to scale into the future. They were especially interested in a solution that would provide a lower total cost of ownership moving forward. BigCommerce was quickly chosen as their new platform, and Classy Llama was eager to help make this a smooth transition for everyone involved. 


During the replatforming project, Precious Moments had some significant enhancements they were excited to implement into their new site. These enhancements were focused on creating a more personalized experience for customers, present and future, as well as reducing pain points for their internal teams by creating “easy-to-use” site admin tools; especially related to marketing. 

Classy Llama was tasked with providing a more contemporary look and feel for the sites, ensuring that they are built with “mobile first” in mind. They also prioritized including additional features and integrations, such as an optimized Site Search, “Find a Retailer” features, implementing Customer Loyalty / Rewards Program, creating Custom Reports options, and utilizing a Collector’s Club Program for their loyal customers.

What We Did 

In a short amount of time, Precious Moments was able to replatform from Magento 1 to BigCommerce. This allowed the Classy Llama team to develop the key features that would help deliver an incredible experience for their customers, while eliminating friction for the Precious Moments team. 

Streamline & Optimize B2B Experience

For their B2B customers, we utilized the customer groups functionality in BigCommerce to drive several things, including B2B pricing, B2B product restrictions, and a custom landing page specifically for B2B customers. To simplify the B2B user management, we incorporated custom forms needed for offline approval of new customer accounts. Building on top of our custom app for managing the Club memberships, we created a tool to allow B2B customers to look up member accounts without having to contact Precious Moments. 

Addition of PO Payment Method

For Purchase Order support, we enabled a PO payment method, which allows B2B customers to choose “Purchase Order” as a payment method and enter a PO number at checkout. This feature is restricted to B2B customer accounts only. 

Exclusive Customer Product & Pricing Segmentation

Customer groups allowed use to enable restricted products, bundling, and pricing based on the customer log-in. This segmentation allows a single site to be used for B2C customers, internal sales reps, and third-party distributors. By enabling exclusive products and pricing to be displayed to retail partners only, the fulfillment process was streamlined significantly. The B2C site now excludes all third-party customizable products, Chapel and Direct exclusive products which are solely available for B2B accounts.

Customer Loyalty Program Integration

The customer loyalty program allowed Precious Moments to create deeper relationships with their frequent shoppers, incentivizing them to return for future purchases. Their new Collector’s Club Program created an enticing and new way to showcase collections to those loyal customers, enabling them to complete collections using visual merchandising. 

How It Made a Difference

The BigCommerce implementation provided a sleek, modernized offering that allows customers to easily find and order products from any device. The B2B segmentation created a smooth transition between account types and product offerings. Precious Moments is now able to offer a highly personalized and tailored experience for each of their customers, without being bogged down by irrelevant options or pricing. 

The cost for the new site is lower, and the overhead required to manage customer accounts has been reduced significantly. The Precious Moments team has been able to reallocate those tedious hours of work to focus on creating more unique offerings. The renewed focus on customer loyalty allows them to create more return customers than ever before, with a higher average order value per user. 

Simplified shopping = Higher Conversions for Marlow White


Since 1879, Marlow White has been dedicated to helping our nation’s best look their best by providing our military and first responders with the highest quality uniforms, the most exceptional tailoring, and the outstanding service their service deserves. 

Military service members earn awards that must be placed on uniforms within regulated specifications. Marlow White simplifies this process through an application called the Awards Builder by allowing awards (ribbons, mini-medals, or full-size medals) to be previewed in a virtual “rack” and then purchased.

Marlow White came to Classy Llama knowing their Awards Builder needed to be easier to use. Classy Llama’s goal was to smooth out the Awards Builder functions, give Marlow White’s customers a better shopping experience, and create more satisfied customers in the process. 


Classy Llama kicked off a project in October 2018 to migrate and rebuild Marlow White’s existing Magento 1 (M1) site on Magento 2 (M2). Their old site went through many updates over several years, and included many proprietary features, some that Marlow White needed help to improve and streamline their shopping experience.

The most significant of these features was the Awards Builder, which itself was expanded and iterated many times by a prior eCommerce agency. 

Unfortunately, the previous agency didn’t document the requirements for the application very well, making an update a much more difficult, complex, and lengthy process. The Classy Llama projects team faced the big unknowns of the Awards Builder and dug in until they discovered and created the solutions necessary to adjust and improve the shopping experience. 


Marlow White’s Awards builder works with a very complex frontend configurator interface, powered by Adobe Commerce and managed within the Adobe Commerce admin panel. 

To simplify customer’s shopping experience, Classy Llama integrated the Awards Builder within the existing Adobe Commerce shopping cart and checkout process. In addition, dynamic product options, custom order management, and unique transactional emails were added, making it easier than ever for customers to get the ribbons and medals they need.

What We Did

Through a simplified interface, reduced number of needed clicks, and an improved mobile experience, Classy Llama was able to deliver a much cleaner, more responsive design for the Awards Builder with no visual issues.

  • Increase in mobile conversions: 25–30%, YOY

To read about how we helped Marlow White with their Magento site build, click here.

The biggest online fraud trend of 2021? More fraud!

Like almost every aspect of life, the world of online fraud can be viewed through the lens of “before COVID-19” and “after COVID-19.”

The stunning and abrupt changes that the global pandemic brought to eCommerce in general dramatically affected fraud trends. In 2021, we are not only seeing more fraud, but we are seeing more new variants of fraud. 

Fraudsters, remember, are entrepreneurs. And like any entrepreneurial operation, fraud rings adjust to market conditions and new opportunities. During the pandemic, many brick and mortar stores closed, at least temporarily. Even when stores were open, consumers became skittish about strolling the aisle with others. 

Instead, they turned in large numbers and with greater frequency to online shopping. Every day, some like to say, became like a day during the height of the holiday season. Data from Signfiyd’s Commerce Network, in fact, showed the number of shoppers new to ecommerce 2020 increased by 32.4% over 2019.

All these new shoppers with new habits and unfamiliar identity profiles, along with the increase in orders (ecommerce sales were up 49% year-over-year on Signifyd’s network), created the ideal circumstances for fraudsters. Fraudsters like to strike when risk teams are overburdened and ecommerce operations in general are stressed.

Add to that, the large number of consumers and workers confined to their homes. More online time and more online activities, expanded the opportunities for fraudsters to harvest personal data and account information that they could spin into fraud opportunities. 

Concurrently, as online sales became a bigger part of the revenue pie for many retailers, merchants took a more serious look at how they managed risk and fraud. A substantial number turned to forward-thinking, automated solutions, such as Signifyd. 

Fraudsters work at staying a step ahead of fraud protection

As fraud protection improved, fraudsters (and some unscrupulous consumers) moved on to new areas of attack —  claiming orders that did arrive never arrived, or falsely reporting that items were damaged when received, or engaging in return fraud.  

First, in terms of increased fraud: Fraud attacks are up 260% in July compared to pre-pandemic levels, according to Signifyd’s Fraud Pressure Index. The index represents the rise and fall of  very high risk — and presumably fraudulent — orders over time and across industry verticals.

To gauge the expansion of fraudsters’ targets, we analyze the changes in non-payment fraud that results in chargebacks. Signifyd’s Consumer Abuse Index shows that non-payment fraud attacks, such as false item-not-received claims, are double this summer compared to the early days of the pandemic. 

The Consumer Abuse Index tracks the number of chargebacks that Signifyd contests and wins. The index assumes winnable chargebacks are highly likely to be true consumer abuse. 

Online fraud is continually changing. That was true before COVID-19 and will be true when COVID-19 is mercifully a distant memory. But the pandemic accelerated the change and inspired creativity among fraudsters.

The biggest fraud trends of 2021

As we emerge from the pandemic and retailers focus on the 2021 holiday season, here are some of the specific trends that Signifyd is seeing in online fraud: 

An increased deployment of bots: Fraud rings are relying more on automation to commit rapid-fire fraud. This fraud takes several forms. 

  • Credential stuffing: This practice allows fraud rings to take over accounts in bulk. Since consumers often use the same passwords across multiple sites, bots can use stolen credentials (often purchased on the Dark Web) to attempt sign ons at thousands of sites in a very short time. Fraudsters then make purchases on the accounts they successfully take over. 
  • Card testing: Fraud rings have upgraded from testing the validity of stolen cards by making small under-the-radar purchases to build up a history. Today rings are rapidly testing cards by adding new credit cards in large numbers to accounts in good standing. A merchant will typically verify the card with a $0 charge authorization to see if the payment processors and banks involved approve the card. If the card goes through, the fraudster knows they can use this card to make an actual purchase of some valuable products. The fraudster then resells the items.
  • Synthetic Accounts: Fraud rings rely on stolen credentials often purchased on the Dark Web and automation to rapidly assemble a multitude of fake accounts simultaneously. These patched together personas look like real customers online and the sheer volume makes them hard for fraud and risk teams to track.
  • Fraud fusillade: Once fraud rings know they have viable credit accounts in hand, they turn to bots to place a flurry of fraudulent orders at hundreds or thousands of ecommerce sites across the web. The dizzying speed of the transactions means fraudsters can get away with their theft before risk managers have a chance to detect and understand the extent of what’s happening.

A trend toward attacking earlier in the online payment process: Fraudsters know that the pre-checkout portion of the payment path is less fortified than the checkout process itself. In general, retailers don’t want to turn away shoppers before they’ve had a chance to become customers, so areas such as account creation, account login and updating accounts with additional payment forms are often softer targets than the checkout process itself. Merchants erect fewer barriers in the early payment stages to avoid early friction. 

More creative forms of mule fraud: With so many people working from home during the pandemic, fraud rings upped their mule fraud game — recruiting often unsuspecting accomplices to order and/or receive fraudulent goods and forward them to the fraud rings for resale. Rings have now created fake companies that “hire” work-from-home workers to facilitate fraud. The companies come complete with job interviews, training videos, employee handbooks and the like. What the fake companies often don’t come with is a paycheck for the work the mule does. 

Policy abuse and return fraud: As retailers have shored up their online fraud protection and as fraudsters have become more innovative, fraud rings have expanded more noticeably into policy abuse, sometimes called friendly fraud. Typical scams in this area include ordering and receiving a product, but reporting that the product never arrived. The idea is to get both the product and a refund for it. As we mentioned, Signifyd’s Consumer Abuse Index is up 100% this summer over April 2020. A growing area of concern for online retailers is return fraud. Fraud rings will purchase high-value items, for instance, and seek a return while sending back a knockoff, a second, damaged version or even something of no value that weighs approximately what the new product weighed. To give you a sense of the scale of the problem, the National Retail Federation and Appriss Retail reported that about About 18% of online retail sales were returned in 2020 and 7.5% of those returns were fraudulent.

Technological innovation gives merchants the upper hand

Clearly, the challenges around fraud are not getting any easier for online merchants, though fortunately the technology for helping put a stop to fraud schemes is. Besides, keeping up with some of the best practices for preventing fraud and abuse, such as return fraud, retailers should look for identity-centric solutions.

Such solutions rely on machine learning and big data to identify patterns of behavior that indicate an order is fraudulent or abusive. The most forward-looking solutions offer a financial guarantee, making retailers whole for approved orders and non-payments-fraud chargebacks that result from malicious transactions. 

Online fraud will continue to evolve as fraudsters continue to seize opportunity where it arises. The best defense is to depend on a system that is also constantly evolving. 


A New Customer Experience for DisplayIt Using Celigo


DisplayIt offers fully customizable exhibit booths and tradeshow displays for customers around the world. Their website is used by thousands of merchants each year to design and order high-quality displays, eliminating the stress of event preparation. 

Classy Llama was tasked by DisplayIt to create a user-friendly interface that would organize and streamline customer processes on a new platform. With many personalizations offered on their site, they needed a website that was beautiful, easy to use, and highly integrated with many of their internal systems.  

The Classy Llama team immediately set out to create a new website that would meet the needs of their customers and internal teams with ease. 


Before their replatforming, DisplayIt was built primarily on a custom legacy .net platform that greatly limited their ability to provide a modern look and feel. The existing site was difficult for customers to navigate and required a lot of manual interaction from their internal team to process incoming orders. 

When it came time to replatform their site, DisplayIt was looking for a scalable solution that they could migrate to. They needed a platform that would integrate with all of their existing internal solutions, provide a simpler user experience, and would allow them to offer additional features for their customers. Selecting BigCommerce as their new platform was an easy choice, as it met all of these requirements and more. To implement their many complex systems, Celigo’s integration platform was an ideal solution. 


The primary goal for this project was to organize and simplify the ordering processes for the customer. In order to create a better user experience, navigation needed to be improved, reducing the steps required to design custom orders. The overall layout and design of the existing site was outdated, and they wanted to create a site that better represented their new branding.

Another big goal was to automate as many of the internal processes as possible, integrating Celigo to manage the import and export of custom fields and direct purchasability management. Celigo would provide a foundation that makes it easier to integrate their systems long-term, and simplified management of these integrations.Their secondary site, had a similar set of needs to be met. 

What We Did 

The Classy Llama team worked with DisplayIt to design a modern and mobile-friendly interface that easily allows customers to explore products, preview customizations, and view next steps for ordering. This new design focuses on organizing the products into a more logical structure, so that their users do not have to rely on specific search terms to find relevant information and items. 

To optimize the internal processes for the DisplayIt team, we utilized Celigo’s to connect customer records, orders, and order modifications with Pace and Salesforce. This enabled customer ID syncing, order status mapping, and realtime SKU creation and inventory management. 

How It Made a Difference

DisplayIt’s migration to BigCommerce provides a modern and future-proof foundation for them to grow on. With a freshly updated look and feel, the site now delivers a modern and visual connection for their customers. The site is easier to navigate than ever before, with clear steps for ordered custom and stock options. 

By implementing Celigo, we created a foundation that makes it easier to integrate future systems, and it will be easier to manage these integrations long-term.

This new site has now reduced the amount of manual effort required to maintain orders, allowing the DisplayIt team to process and fulfill orders quickly. Because they offer a consultative approach to selling their products, we prioritized giving their users clear steps to take to connect with the DisplayIt team. 

Using Klevu to Mitigate Core Web Vitals Impact

Good usability and user experience has always had an indirect impact on the popularity of a website. That impact is bigger than ever before, thanks to Google’s recent launch of their Core Web Vitals initiative. This initiative can be said to have a direct correlation with SEO, because Google always wants to serve the best results to their users.

If your website is difficult to navigate, you’ll struggle to engage visitors simply because they can not find the products they want. Low engagement with your content increases the exit rates, and brings in fewer returning visitors. Google can measure those factors, de-rank your website, and send the traffic elsewhere – where users will find exactly what they are looking for. 

To protect their website, some online stores are hiring merchandisers to decide on how products should be positioned in each category. With Klevu’s Smart Category Merchandising, you can use the power of machine learning to automate this process and always show the right product to the right customer.

If searchers cannot find what they’re looking for, it’s likely that they’ll go back to the search results page to find a website that can help. Since Google has gotten much better at identifying websites that don’t serve the searcher’s intent, this can have a huge impact on your search engine rankings. With Klevu’s Smart Search you’ll always show your customers the most relevant search results, enriched with synonyms, understanding typos they make, or even when they use the voice search on Google.

Internal linking has always been a very important factor of SEO. With Klevu’s search autocomplete results, faceted search navigation and product recommendations, your internal linking will be optimized continuously based on your shopper intentions and behaviour, in real-time, and give Google all the signals needed to position you on top of results for all the important keywords your customers are searching for.

We’re here to help you navigate all the changes that come with Google’s release of Core Web Vitals. Classy Llama has created a series of free resources to help you understand and prepare your website to mitigate the impact of Core Web Vitals.

Classy Llama and Searchspring

Searchspring is on a mission to give ecommerce teams superpowers. They equip the worlds’ most creative online brands with the user-friendly search, merchandising, personalization, and analytics tools they need to increase conversion and curate unique shopping experiences. 


We’re excited to announce our new partnership with Searchspring, making their suite of solutions even more accessible to our shared customers. 


“We’re incredibly proud to partner with a leading agency like Classy Llama, which further deepens our mission to help retailers create cohesive shopping experiences that convert,” said Chantele Gibson, VP of Sales and Partnerships at Searchspring. “We consider our partners to be an extension of our services, and we’re thrilled to recommend Classy Llama to our Magento and BigCommerce retailers seeking brilliant marketing solutions and unbeatable support. ”  


“At Classy Llama, we’re always looking for ways to add value for our clients, especially when it comes to excellent solutions that develop and support their business needs. That’s why we’re so excited about our partnership with Searchspring. There’s no doubt in our minds that our clients will benefit from integrating their diverse range of tools.” – Kurt Theobald, CEO, Classy Llama. 


What can you expect from Searchspring?


Powerful site search that understands what your shoppers are looking for and surfaces the most relevant set of products instantaneously.


Automated merchandising that gives you the power to fine tune results across your entire ecommerce store using rules and drag-and-drop control.


Personalized recommendations that suggest hyper-relevant products in the moments that matter, based on shopper behavior.


Site navigation that intuitively narrows down a shopper’s search with relevant facets and filters, sorting options, and more.


Ecommerce reports that offer unparalleled insight into shopper behavior and product performance, so you can iterate and optimize.

Interested in learning more? Book a meeting with one of their ecommerce experts now.

Understanding Google’s Core Web Vitals in Five Minutes

We know you’re busy, so we’re gonna break down this new Core Web Vitals thing you’ve been hearing about as quickly as we can. Then you can get back to your day (or, if you managed to save enough time, maybe you could even squeeze in a quick nap!)


Starting in mid-June 2021, Google will roll out a change in the way it ranks sites in search results that includes a set of metrics called Core Web Vitals.

The idea is basically this: Google wants to reward websites that perform well and that customers enjoy browsing.

To do that, Google is grading sites on these new metrics and giving higher search rankings to websites with good scores. The metrics are all about 

  1. Loading (How fast does your website show up on someone’s screen?)
  2. Interactivity (How fast or easy is it to click around on your website?)
  3. Visual Stability (Do elements on your website jump around unexpectedly?)
Largest Contentful Paint
Also known as: LCP 

This metric measures loading performance. To provide a good experience, the main content on your page should load within 2.5 seconds.

First Input Delay
Also known as: FID 

This metric measures the time before interactivity is possible. To provide a good user experience, pages should have an FID of less than 100 milliseconds

Cumulative Layout Shift
Also known as: CLS

This metric measures visual stability, meaning visual elements on your page will stay in a consistent place while a user is interacting with the page. To provide a good user experience, your web pages should maintain a CLS of less than 0.1.


The problem with this algorithm shift is if your site doesn’t meet Google’s standards for page experience by optimizing your Core Web Vitals scores, you could lose traffic and even sales. That’s why you need to know what they are and make sure your website scores well. 

At the end of the day, Core Web Vitals means that the better your site experience is for users, the better you’ll rank on Google. This is a win/win situation for you and your customers, no doubt.


If you’re ready to learn more about Core Web Vitals, we’ve created free resources just for you! Go to the next level of Core Web Vitals understanding and readiness with our free diagnostic report, by downloading our white paper, or registering for our upcoming Magento (Adobe Commerce) webinar, all at 

(Psssst … everyone who attends the webinar will get a $10 gift card code to Starbucks in their inbox after the event, so come get that coffee!!)

Classy Llama at Adobe Summit—The Digital Experience

Classy Llama at Adobe Summit—The Digital Experience
SPRINGFIELD, MO (April 2021) – All virtual format gets team excited for one-on-one connections

April 27-29, 2021 — Adobe Summit may be different this year, but that’s just fine for the Classy Llama team, who prefer to do things a little differently. The all virtual setting means booth hosts will be scheduling individual meetings with conference attendees, giving everyone a chance to connect on a deeper level. 

Join us from April 27-29 for engaging sessions where digital experts share about best practices, innovative ideas, and how to create solutions that drive business health and growth. Be sure to stop by the Classy Llama booth to get connected, find out how we can support your business, and sign-up to get one of our coveted llama plushies. 

Click here to register. 

Press Contact:
Jayme McCrimmons
(417) 866-8887 ext. 109
[email protected]


About Classy Llama:
Classy Llama meets merchants where they’re at by creating customized eCommerce solutions for even the most complex challenges, specializing in Magento, B2B, automotive, manufacturers, outdoors, and industrial parts & products. Our veteran team coupled with our range of services uniquely qualify us to solve merchant’s problems and create business growth.

About Adobe Summit:
Adobe Summit 2021 is a Digital Experience Conference focusing on helping merchants create exceptional experiences that drive business growth and customer loyalty. This free virtual event will be held online April 27-28, 2021. For more information, please visit

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