Making the Digital Economy Personal: Classy Llama at Adobe Summit 2022

Global Digital Commerce Insights 

From March 15-17, Classy Llama will join with digital experience makers from around the world to educate, learn, be inspired, and make connections with merchants like you at Adobe Summit 2022. This global event is an all-digital experience featuring innovative keynotes, more than 200 virtual sessions and training workshops across 10 content tracks, plus countless networking activities. 

The best part? The event is completely free of charge for anyone who registers to attend. That means, for absolutely nothing, you can attend sessions with experts like these:

All you have to do is visit Summit.Adobe.Com and register. From there, you’ll be able to save sessions you want to attend to your event schedule portal and know at a glance what your conference experience looks like. 

You can even take a quiz once you register to help pair you with sessions you’ll be the most interested in.

GIVEAWAY: Everyone wins!

Who doesn’t love free stuff? Not us! 

Since we can’t hand out our signature plush lama in person, we’re giving away a free website health check through a Google Core Web Vitals Audit to anyone who wants one! That’s over a $2000 value absolutely free of charge. 

To get your free website health check, register for Adobe Summit here, then visit the Classy Llama event page starting March 15, 2022, to sign-up for your free audit. 

BONUS: From our “everyone wins” entrants, THREE winners will be chosen to receive a free Customer Experience Audit for their eCommerce site — an over $5000 value that can provide valuable insights into optimizing your website for revenue growth.

All you have to do to be entered to win the CX Audit is register for the event and enter at our event landing page for your free Core Web Vitals Audit.

Don’t miss out! Register now to be part of the event that can help you create better, more personalized digital experiences. 

Magento Vulnerability Exploited in the Wild: Adobe Commerce Sites at Risk

If you run an Adobe Commerce site, it’s time to take action.

Magento has just released a statement warning of a critical vulnerability that’s been exploited in the wild. The flaw, CVE-2022-24086, is a remote code execution vulnerability that allows attackers to execute malicious code on vulnerable sites.

This means that an attacker could take control of your site and steal or modify data. Even worse, this vulnerability is known as a pre-authenticated flaw, meaning a bad actor could manipulate your site without ever knowing your login or password.

Read the Adobe Security Bulletin on the flaw here.

Magento has rated the flaw as 9.8 out of 10.0 on the severity scale, so it’s important to take immediate steps to patch your site against this threat.

Classy Llama is aggressively working to patch our merchants’ sites and keep them safe from this exploit, but if you don’t have someone proactively patching against this issue on your Adobe Commerce site, you’re at serious risk. Given the severity of this issue and the ease of the exploit for bad actors, the number of attacks through CVE-2022-24086 is predicted to rise quickly.

Find out which Adobe Commerce versions are affected in this chart.

Make sure your site is protected. Click here to get the patches from Adobe Commerce that can protect your site and data from this vulnerability.

Not sure how to use the patches? Fill out our contact form here and we’ll connect your company to someone who can help you.

Wanna move faster than that? Give us a call at 471-866-8887 to get connected right away.

Classy Llama Earns 2 New Workplace Awards from

SPRINGFIELD, MO, Dec. 17, 2021 — This week, Classy Llama, Springfield’s only full-service eCommerce agency, has earned places on two of’s top 50 lists: Best Companies for Women and Best CEO.

Best Companies for Women

This quarter, feedback from female employees to Comparably (a workplace ratings website) scored Classy Llama the #26 spot on the Best Company for Women (Small and Midsize Companies) list.

“I’ve been with Classy Llama almost six years now and it’s very different from just about anywhere I’ve worked. I’ve been in male-dominated industries my entire career and there has always been a level of disrespect toward me as a woman. But then I came to Classy Llama and I was allowed a seat at the table and my opinion mattered. To have that level of respect and care from your co-workers is huge, including other women. At Classy, you don’t feel unnecessary competitiveness with other women. Instead, we empower each other,” Ashlee Colliver, senior eCommerce strategist, said. 

Other employees at Classy Llama shared similar feelings about what it’s like to work for the company:

“I started as an Office Administrator and, five months later, here I am, promoted to a Project Manager position. I’ve had so many people pouring into me and fostering my growth. As someone who’s never done Project Management before, this was an awesome opportunity for me to grow into something new and I have had an amazing support system from both men and women here,” Leianna Pavon said. 

Best CEO

Classy Llama CEO Kurt Theobald also placed #35 on the Best CEO (Small and Midsize Companies) list

When asked how he felt about the accolade, Theobald redirected the focus to the employees who provided feedback: “I don’t care about accolades. I care about the hearts behind those accolades. If this award means I’m providing effective leadership to my employees, that’s what matters the most to me.”

An Award-Winning Company

These two most recent achievements bring Classy Llama’s workplace award total for 2021 to five wins, also including:

Comparably Awards are based on feedback provided by current employees who anonymously rated their employers on during a 12-month look-back period. Employees have the opportunity to answer up to 100 questions spanning nearly 20 different workplace topics. Each answer is given a numerical score and compared to companies of similar size. The final data set was compiled from 15 million ratings across 70,000 companies.

About Classy Llama

Classy Llama is a full-service digital commerce agency filled with eCommerce industry veterans passionate about leveraging technology to help online merchants  grow and build their business sustainably. For more information, please contact Greg Johnson by phone at (417) 866-8887 or by email at [email protected].

How to prepare for holiday 2021: A winter shopping season like no other

With the holiday season comes a frenzy of online shopping activity. For retail businesses, this busy season is a critical period when an essential amount of revenue is at stake. And while this festive time of year means an increase in sales, it can also mean an increase in fraudulent activity.

As we look to the upcoming holiday season, we’ll outline some of the key trends online retailers should be aware of and focus on a few tips that can help you make this upcoming season a success.

Looking at the Retail Trends of 2021

It’s no mystery that the past year forced retailers to rethink their online strategies. With consumers flocking to the internet to make purchases big and small, new behaviors emerged that are now here to stay.

In 2021, as we enter the holiday season, there are a few key retail trends that successful retailers will pay attention to.

1. Consumers Love to Shop Online

Both 2020 and 2021 have been excellent years for online retail. Experts predicted that the increase in online sales during the pandemic would continue as more consumers became accustomed to the convenience of shopping online. And they were right — big time.

By the numbers:

  • Online spending globally increased by 49% in 2020, according to Signifyd’s Ecommerce Pulse data.
  • Additionally, Signifyd’s market research shows that more than 49% of U.S. consumers we surveyed intend to do more of their shopping online post-pandemic than they did in pre-pandemic days.
  • Finally, according to the National Retail Federation, online sales are expected to grow between 18% and 20% to between $1.09 trillion and $1.13 trillion.

The shopping habits formed during lockdowns are here to stay, which offers an incredible opportunity for online retailers during the upcoming holiday season.

2. Omnichannel Is Becoming the Status Quo

Much of online shopping will involve consumers placing orders and picking them up at the store or the curbside.

By the numbers:

  • Signifyd Pulse data shows that buy-online-pick-up-in-store and curbside pick-up orders are up 360% from where they were before the pandemic.
  • According to a Signifyd survey, 26% of consumers said they’d be more likely to use curbside pickup during the 2021 holiday season than they were before the pandemic.
  • 34% said they would be more likely to use buy-online-pick-up-in-store.
  • Merchants show no sign of backing away from the service either. Twenty-four percent of merchants who launched curbside pickup during the pandemic plan to expand that service post-pandemic, according to a Signifyd survey.

The dramatic shift to more online traffic and the desire for more fulfillment options marks a significant change for retailers.

First, retailers have to ditch the mentality that online sales are simply a nice-to-have. Instead, the time has come for retailers to prioritize the omnichannel experience, tapping into this consumer demand.

Secondly, retailers will need to look at how easy their omnichannel experience is to navigate. With retail giants like Amazon setting the bar, consumers come to your online store with high expectations.

3. The Holidays Will Bring You New Shoppers

One of the greatest benefits of the holiday season is an influx of new shoppers. For online retailers, there is a massive trend of new shoppers visiting online stores.

By the numbers:

  • Signifyd’s Pulse data found that the number of shoppers who had never or rarely shopped online was 32.4% higher in 2020 than in 2019.
  • Adding to the importance of this data, these new shoppers spent 163% more online than the newcomer class of 2019.

While this upward tick of new shoppers is a good thing, it does come with its own set of risks. When holiday order volumes are high, and your store is flooded with new customers but no purchasing data about them, it gives fraudsters the cover they need to go unnoticed.

Tips as You Head Into the Holiday Shopping Season

The trends look promising for online retailers as we head into the 2021 holiday shopping season. But there is a reality that more online activity can increase the risk of fraud. The internet has made it easier than ever before for fraudsters to game the system, and the holiday season is an ideal time for fraudulent activity to rise.

In fact, during the 2020 holiday season, Signifyd data showed a marked increase in fraud pressure, up 450% in November 2020 over pre-COVID numbers. In addition, consumer abuse incidents were up 227% in November over pre-COVID times.

The good news is that with a few key tactics, you can get ahead of fraudulent activity, allowing you to maximize on the busy holiday season. Of course, it all starts with preparation.

Prepare Early

Getting ready for the holiday season should start right away. Preparing early can help you set your entire team up for success.

  • Test your online systems.
  • Go through the process of making a purchase step-by-step to understand the buyer’s journey.
  • Determine what system you will use to prevent fraud and work on getting it in place now, not the week before retail sales start spiking.

Improved Security, Not Tightened

Realistically, you are going to need to improve your risk and fraud management throughout the holiday season. However, be sure to thoughtfully improve your protection and not simply tighten up on fraud rules.

Being too conservative with your rules in an attempt to catch fraudulent activity can lead to legitimate orders being declined.

For example, the following are all incidents that may occur during the holidays and which are often used as red flags to decline a customer:

  • Unusual — or novel to you — credit card or debit card accounts
  • High number of high order values at checkout
  • Mismatched billing and delivery addresses

This gets tricky, though, because during the holiday season, these are also incidents that can naturally occur due to the unique spending habits of the season.

For example, customers might use a credit card they rarely touch, so they can add a little wiggle room to their credit limit in pursuit of a big holiday purchase. Or maybe they use a secondary credit card to hide a gift purchase for a loved one from that loved one. And the mismatched addresses? They might be shipping things to a family member’s address where they plan to celebrate the holidays.

Turning away these customers can harm your business, leaving customers frustrated while simultaneously losing out on substantial holiday revenue.

Focus on Automation

New customers present an opportunity but also a challenge. If, as a retailer, you’ve never seen a new customer before, you have no order history to use as a behavioral benchmark.

With so many unknown shoppers arriving this holiday season, it will be more challenging to sort legitimate customers from opportunistic fraudsters.

The surge of new shoppers and increased spending during the holiday season also creates a scaling problem for many retailers. If you rely heavily on manual fraud review, it’s not likely that your team will be able to keep up with the additional workload — at least not at a pace that will assure rapid delivery.

This is where modern technology can help. Consider turning to automated order review for your overflow — or even for the bulk of your order screening. Automated systems are scalable, so they can handle big spikes in the holiday season and then ratchet back down when the surge is over.

Opt for Professional Help

An innovative breed of fraud solutions, including Signifyd, use big data and machine learning to render ship-or-don’t-ship decisions in milliseconds. They are infinitely scalable and the best of them offer a guarantee on approved orders. If an approved order turns out to be fraudulent, the fraud protection provider will make a merchant financially whole.

The assurance helps optimize revenue year-round by removing fear from the equation and allowing eCommerce leaders to embrace their instinct to ship as many orders as possible. 

As you enter the busy holiday season, bolster your fraud protection with a solution that is leading fraud and risk management into the new era of eCommerce. This will free you to focus on the immense amount of opportunity the busy season ahead holds for your online retail store.

Classy Llama Wins 2021 Comparably Awards for Best Perks&Benefits, Best Work-Life Balance

Classy Llama, Springfield’s only full-service eCommerce agency, has been placed on the top 50 list for’s Best Perks&Benefits Award, as well as their Best Work-Life Balance Award.

Comparably Awards are based on feedback provided by current employees who anonymously rated their employers on during a 12-month look-back period. Employees have the opportunity to answer up to 100 questions spanning nearly 20 different workplace topics. Each answer is given a numerical score and compared to companies of similar size. The final data set was compiled from 15 million ratings across 70,000 companies.

CEO Kurt Theobald said he’s honored and humbled to place on the lists for awards focused on taking care of employees both in and out of the workplace, especially since caring for people is a top priority for Classy Llama.

“We believe people are only living one life; there is no clear demarcation, no matter how much corporate America tries to create that hard-line,” Theobald said. “We want to engage with the whole human and all aspects of their lives.”

Classy Llama Awarded #3 Best Place to Work by Biz417

Springfield, MO — Classy Llama has been awarded the number 3 spot on the Biz417 Best Places to Work Top 20 for 2021

This award is designed to identify and honor workplaces in the southwest Missouri region that intentionally create an excellent working environment. Winners were chosen through a two-part process of entrant evaluation by a third party and a survey of employee feedback.

CEO Kurt Theobald said he’s honored to place on a list based on employee feedback, especially since taking care of people is a top priority for Classy Llama. 

“We believe people are only living one life; there is no clean demarcation, no matter how much corporate America tries to create that hard-line,” Theobald said. “We want to engage with the whole human and all aspects of their lives.”

2021 Instagram Changes: What you need to know for eCommerce Marketing

What’s Going On With Instagram in 2021?

The Head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, announced in summer 2021 that big changes are coming to the platform sometime soon.  He let users know that Instagram is no longer just a photo-sharing app — instead, the platform is focusing on becoming an all-around video entertainment hub.  They’re going to prioritize immersive, full-screen experiences; new and trending formats (like Reels); and show viewers content based on their interests rather than just the accounts they follow. 

These changes also imply that content that doesn’t utilize these formats will be pushed to the back of the line, and it will be much harder to get that content out to the people you want to reach even if they’re following you. The standard SALE! graphic and branded hashtag you’ve been relying on for so long just aren’t going to cut it anymore.

For many companies — especially brands that have been slow to embrace video – this might sound pretty intimidating. Downright terrifying, perhaps.  But if you want your eCommerce business to thrive on the Gram, it’s a leap of faith you’re going to have to take. So take a deep breath, and let’s jump together.


It’s time to get creative!

If you’re running an eCommerce business (and you’re reading this post), chances are you’re not currently prioritizing “entertainment” content on your social media accounts. You’re focused on reaching new customers, highlighting your products, and driving traffic to your website!  After all, we know that’s what drives business growth, right? But now the powers that be are telling you that you need to be more entertaining instead of focusing on the tried and true strategy you know?! Don’t worry — there’s good news here … Creating entertaining content can also help you reach new customers, highlight your products, and drive traffic to your website! 

Here’s why it works: Most social media users are getting really tired of the usual marketing and sales tactics. They’ve seen a million ads, thanks to new privacy options, many of them have already changed their ad targeting settings, and they don’t want to be sold to as they scroll through Instagram.  They want to engage with content that reflects their interests, they want to laugh, they even want to learn! By creating videos your audience members enjoy watching, you can bypass their marketing fatigue and create strong positive engagement for your brand. You just have to think creatively about how you can create content that A) users want to watch, and 2) connects them to your product, service, or brand. 

If you’ve got a highly visual product or service, you’re already halfway there! You’re probably used to communicating about your product using engaging images — you just have to transition that to video content. If your brand is less visual, it may take some practice to get in the habit of thinking about your content in (moving) pictures. But once you get started, the ideas will start to come faster and easier. We promise. 


Doing What Works

When it comes to content creation for Instagram, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. You don’t even need to build a better mousetrap.  You just need to find the wheels and mouse traps that your audience likes, and make them relevant to your brand!  In other words, there are certain things that work really well on Instagram and it’s okay to take those ideas and run with them! You don’t always have to create brand new ideas, you just have to find a way to make popular ideas relevant to your product. 

As we begin this part of the process, there’s something you need to know: The key to this part of the process is volume.  We want to get the creativity flowing, and get you used to thinking about your brand in terms of engaging and entertaining content. Write down every idea that comes to mind as you’re working through our suggestions – you can sort through them later. There are no bad ideas here*. The more ideas you can come up with, the better off you will be when you start trying to bring these ideas to life. 

Ready to brainstorm? Here are our best suggestions for finding inspiration, plus dos and don’ts for using each one.

Inspiration: Social Media Trends.

In 2014, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge became the first social media trend.  2019 brought us Renegade, and The Whoa. In 2020, we all compared How It Started vs How It’s Going.  Social media trends like these bring people from different communities, with different interests and different perspectives, together over one shared – and shareable – idea. And, new trends pop up all the time, so there is always a new stream of potential video content ideas. As you’re brainstorming video ideas for your company, look at trends first to see what’s getting a lot of attention and how you can get some of that attention for yourself.

Note: Even though we’re talking about posting video content on Instagram, you’re not limited to Instagram for your trend inspiration.  Sharing TikToks on Instagram is it’s own trend! So, look everywhere for trends you can hop on, and then figure out how to get that content onto Instagram.

Do: Give them what they want to see!

If you decide to hop on an Instagram (or other social media) trend, make sure you incorporate the essence of what makes the trend engaging. Let’s use the Ice Bucket Challenge as an example here: if you want to recreate the trend, you can’t just put whatever you want in the bucket. It has to be ice. If you’re trying to sell Kool-Aid, and you fill your bucket with Kool-Aid, it just won’t work. Your version of the trend has to be close enough to the original to be recognizable as part of the trend, and have the same entertainment value. But…

Don’t: Just do what everyone else is doing. 

If you want viewers to connect the entertainment content to you, you have to find a way to make the trend reflective of your company or product. There needs to be some key element that helps them connect the dots between what they’re watching and what you’re selling. And, it needs to be memorable. Going back to our Kool-Aid example: It wouldn’t be an Ice Bucket Challenge if you just used Kool-Aid in your bucket. But, it would count as an Ice Bucket Challenge if you made your ice cubes out of Kool-Aid. Eating the ice cubes that were dumped out of the bucket would make it memorable. 

Inspiration: Online communities.

Ever heard the term Bookstagram?  It’s a shorthand term for the community of book-focused content creators on Instagram. Dogstagram? You guessed it — dog content. InstaFoodies are foodies that share their discoveries on Instagram.  Chances are, if people are interested in it there’s an Instagram community for it. These communities hold a wealth of engaging ideas that you can bring into your own Instagram strategy — you just have to determine which ones are relevant to your audience.  

To do that, start by looking at your own product or service. What groups of people are most likely to buy it, and how are they likely to use it? If you sell kitchen knives, chefs might use them in their knife kits or home cooks may use them to improve their knife skills.  If you sell car parts, you could be selling to professional mechanics who stock your parts in their shops, hobbyists restoring a prized classic, or even the average DIYer looking to save some money.  Chances are, there are many options for you to choose from.  

Then, start looking for hashtags.  You can go straight to Instagram to do this, no need for fancy tools at this point. Just plug in # + a relevant keyword, like #chef or #classiccars.  See what hashtags pop up and follow the rabbit hole.  When you find a tag that seems like a good fit, explore the content related to find ideas that might work for you.

Do:  Think outside the box

Look for new communities that your product or service might appeal to, and creative ways that members of these communities might interact with your company (even if they’re just for entertainment).  If you sell diapers, for example, show a parent that they can use a diaper to clean up a spill in a pinch. It’s that kind of attention-getting thinking that will help earn you attention on the Gram. But …

Don’t: Forget to make the connection

Once you get on the creative thinking train, it can be easy to get carried away. Make sure that every content idea you have clearly connects your viewer to your business in an actionable way. 

Inspiration: The Elusive “Viral Video”

As cliche as that term is, a viral video – a video that is so entertaining or engaging that it’s spread from person to person like a virus — is the epitome of entertaining content. While some folks do set out to create a “viral” trend, most often these happen by accident when someone creates something they think is funny, or shares something meaningful to them, or films something outrageous happening and then shares it with the world.  These videos strike a chord with the viewer and make them feel compelled to see if others share that perspective.  

When you look at these videos to create ideas for your company, look for the core feeling that resonated with you and others — was it humor, or vulnerability? (Don’t opt for outrage as a marketing tool. It rarely ends well.) Identify the characteristics that made this video something “everyone needs to see.” And then think of ways in which you can create content that shares those same characteristics. It’s probably not reasonable to bank on your content “going viral,” but those elements are at the core of all engaging content.  


Do: Make it shareable

As you’re generating video content ideas, focus on shareability.  Look to create content that is bite-sized (15 seconds to about 2 minutes), that works without sound (bonus points for closed captions), and that can be understood and enjoyed by a broad group of people (if your target audience is all chefs, don’t make the video full of jargon that’s only used by pastry chefs).  But …

Don’t: Make clickbait

Anyone who has watched video content on the internet has encountered clickbait – videos with dramatic titles that end with phrases like, “you’ll never believe what happened next,” videos with thumbnails showing some impossible outcome, or even videos that start with significant conflict only to end before the issue is resolved. Don’t be those guys.  You want your viewers to be interested and engaged because your content is GOOD, not because they got tricked into watching it. 


The Wrap Up

Okay, we’ve covered a lot of ground here. We’ve talked about the changes coming to Instagram, we’ve talked about why you should start thinking about entertaining video content for your eCommerce business NOW, and we’ve talked about how you can come up with ideas that connect your business with content that’s already working on the Gram. But we know that there’s much more to this conversation. If you need help figuring out how to keep moving forward with your social media strategy as these platforms keep growing and changing, we’d love to hear from you.  Our Digital Marketing team is ready and waiting to help you maximize your presence and grow your business online.

Upgrading Auto Rim Shop to Magento 2 Cloud


Auto Rim Shop is one of the largest suppliers for OEM factory wheels, center caps, tire packages and TPMS sensors. Their massive selection of high-quality products, combined with a knowledgeable staff of experts, ensures that automotive enthusiasts will always find exactly what they need to get rolling. 


When it comes to serving their customers, Auto Rim Shop goes the extra mile to provide an easy to navigate shopping interface. When they decided to upgrade their Magento 1 site to Magento 2 Cloud, Classy Llama was proudly chosen to navigate the transition and provide expertise to ensure the customer experience was more streamlined and user-friendly than ever before. 

For automotive merchants, utilizing custom fitment search is a critical piece for consumers. Auto Rim Shop not only wanted to enable their customers to search by year, make, and model of a vehicle, but they also wanted to provide an interactive layered navigation that guides shoppers to their ideal products. 

In addition, Auto Rim Shop wanted to revamp their B2B and wholesale offering. They wanted to provide a streamlined experience for their wholesale customers, and reduce the amount of manual work required from their team on the back end. They needed a scalable foundation for both sites, setting themselves apart from their competitors.


Classy Llama worked with Auto Rim Shop to outline a few key objectives for this site upgrade. Their team needed to be empowered to quickly and cost-effectively deliver engaging shopping experiences for their customers. They wanted to prioritize features that would boost conversion rates, business agility, and productivity capabilities while maintaining an easy-to-navigate front end experience.

For their B2B wholesale offering, the Auto Rim Shop team needed the ability to easily update wholesale pricing and styling. They wanted to make wholesale pricing unavailable to the user unless they were logged into their wholesale account, allowing for a completely custom experience to the user. Magento 2’s Native B2B functionality offered a solution for managing these needs.

Their final primary goal was to improve and optimize the channel sales and SEO onsite. Auto Rim Shop gets a large amount of their business from channel sales.They had previously invested heavily into building these channel sales and wanted to prioritize their continued growth. Classy Llama also performed a full technical SEO audit to determine what changes would allow for significant strides in their search engine rankings.

What We Did

The Classy Llama team worked with Auto Rim Shop to revamp their search and product display page experience. When shopping on the site, their customers can easily navigate to and between products based on the requirements and filters they implemented. 

We implemented many partner solutions and third-party extensions that allow Auto Rim Shop to offer a fully customized and technically integrated solution. By utilizing payment and fraud management solutions, such as Affirm payments and Bolt fraud prevention, their risk has been significantly lowered and average order value has increased. Connecting them with ShipperHQ allowed them to simplify their shipping process and alleviate pain points their team had manually been correcting beforehand. We utilized Feedonomics to streamline the delivery of custom product feeds. They now offer a Zendesk chat solution to help guide users live on the site as needed. We implemented an improved layered navigation through Amasty which provides a smooth shopping experience. Klevu allows the customer to use natural language for search and provides instant visual results. Lastly, we implemented Klaviyo as their email service provider which allows Auto Rim Shop to connect with and nurture their customers between shopping sessions. 

By utilizing native Magento B2B functionality, we were able to offer the same brand experience to wholesale customers as they offer to their direct shoppers. This also enabled the AUto Rim Shop team to view, update, and restrict specific products in their wholesale catalog at once. 

Implementing many of the Magento marketplace solutions, along with Classy Llama’s own custom-built solutions, we were able to simplify the amount of integrations and configurations needed to fulfill each order internally. Auto Rim Shop was able to refresh their visual offering while optimizing SEO and creating a new B2B experience.

How It Made a Difference

Auto Rim Shop is now able to offer an easy-to-navigate user interface for both direct and B2B customers. Their customized fitment capabilities allows shoppers to quickly and easily find the products that are relevant to their current needs. Building upon Magento 2 cloud allows them to reduce the overall costs, limit technical risk with a PCI-compliant foundation, and create a scalable solution that they are able to build upon for years to come..

Signifyd Protects a Timeless Brand


  • Signifyd Customer Since: 2019
  • Solution: Revenue Protection, specifically Guaranteed Fraud Protection
  • Customer Synopsis: Precious Moments is known around the world for their carefully curated gifts and inspiring, timeless collectibles featuring soulful illustrations of children with teardrop-shaped eyes. Today, their customers count on them for high-quality, meaningful collections that they continue to treasure and proudly display.


It was this commitment to providing a strong customer experience and maintaining a strong brand reputation that led Classy Llama to recommend Signifyd to Precious Moments in 2019. 

As with most retailers maintaining traditional order review methods, Precious Moments was running into pressure on its manual review side of the house, grappling with nearly a 50% manual review rate on incoming orders and slow turnaround time on order fulfillment. It was at this point that Classy Llama connected Precious Moments with Signifyd to help mitigate their fraud challenges and protect the timeless brand’s reputation. 

What We Did

With Signifyd’s Guaranteed Fraud Protection, Precious Moments has eliminated chargeback losses from their business while simultaneously decreasing order decline rates by 90%. With Signifyd preventing chargebacks and the business disruption that can come with them, Precious Moments has seen a sharp decrease in claims and an 8% uptick in average monthly GMV.

  • 8% increase in GMV
  • 97% decrease in Chargeback Rate
  • 90% decrease in Decline Rate

Creating a User-friendly Interface for Collegiate Awards

Collegiate Awards is the Midwest’s premier source for high-quality and fully customizable awards, trophies, and plaques. They offer an extensive list of personalization options including laser marking and engraving, laser cutting acrylic, glass and crystal etching, and sublimation printing. Their products are used to celebrate and honor the recipients and they pride themselves on creating a simple and enjoyable experience for their customers. 


For Collegiate Awards’ customers, it is essential that the customization of products is user-friendly and simple to navigate. Their current site needed a refreshed interface that would easily allow users to upload images, provide static and variable text, and explain special instructions that may require modifications to the products. 

In addition, Collegiate Awards was looking for an updated site that would provide a lower Total Cost of Ownership for their team. They wanted to focus on order reliability to reduce the amount of manual work required. They needed a platform that would natively include some of the baseline features that their existing site could not deliver, creating the ability for them to scale as the business continues to grow. 


There were a few key objectives that Collegiate Awards needed to accomplish with this project. Their team needed the ability to edit bulk pricing with ease. Due to the high volume of products they offer, and the fact that a large portion of them utilize bulk pricing, it was important for the team to manage bulk pricing for multiple products at once. This component required a custom solution as there wasn’t an existing third-party solution to meet this need. 

Product management was a significant pain point for Collegiate Awards with their previous site. Their industry requires a large amount of product options. The way their product customization worked, there weren’t native options for customizing these products, especially in bulk. It was also critical to create functionality for connecting like-products together in order to create “Product Variations” on the front end. Utilizing native BigCommerce functionality for this allows them to take advantage of ongoing updates and future changes, without the limitation or fear of being stuck to old scripts.

What We Did 

The Classy Llama team worked with Collegiate Awards to create a new custom app that allowed them to filter product view specifically by SKU, product name, and category. This application also enabled them to view products in their catalog and select as many as needed to edit at once. This provided the ability to see and edit bulk pricing for the selected products, allowing them to choose what type of discount is applied, based on percentage, a fixed dollar amount, or a specific dollar amount off each unit. Having access to view current bulk pricing settings when you select a product was key for their product management team. 

The UI for this custom app is accessible directly within the BigCommerce admin, rather than through the front end like you previously experienced. The Classy Llama team also added custom logic to display the tiered pricing on the PDP, with functionality to properly display the total cost based on the quantity or tier that the customer has selected.

We were able to meet many of Collegiate Awards’ needs by utilizing many of the native BigCommerce features. For image and file uploading to customizable products, they are now able to access and download them from the orders section within the BigCommerce admin panel. Our Senior Design team worked with Collegiate Awards to create an updated design and workflow for these options, implementing the use of an accordion-style flow, revealing each steps within the customization process. 

By implementing many of the BigCommerce marketplace solutions, we were able to simplify the amount of integrations and configurations within their internal process. We utilized Quickbooks Online, Quickbooks Payments, and the native BigCommerce Tax Calculation and Shipping Rates tools. 

How It Made a Difference

Collegiate Awards is now able to offer an easy-to-navigate user interface for their customers. The steps to customize and preview their products are now streamlined, with the uploaded files and personalization details passed directly to the order fulfillment section on the backend. Accessing the many native features that BigCommerce has to offer allowed Collegiate Awards to greatly reduce their website costs and created a scalable solution that will be able to support their growth for years to come. 

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