Llama Loose In LA: Speaks At Magento Imagine Conference

Listen up Magento fans! (Yes, Mr. or Mrs. Potential-client-considering-Classy-Llama’s-proficiency, that means you, too.) If you thought Classy Llama Studios was just “in it for the short term” or simply “out to make a buck” then think again! We are, in fact, all about impacting the globe and everyone in it. To that end, we use […]

Saving a Product Attribute without Saving the Entire Product

Today I was faced with an interesting task. I needed to update an attribute on as many as several thousand products at once within a reasonable amount of time. My first thought was to load a collection of products and then save that collection. Under the hood, saving a collection simply loops through all models […]

Get Configurable Super Attributes

I wanted to do a check on a configurable product to see if it had a specific attribute. But not just any attribute, a global attribute used to create associated products within the configurable product – a “Super Product Attribute”. So here ya go: $_product = $this->getProduct(); $_attributes = $_product->getTypeInstance(true)->getConfigurableAttributes($_product); foreach($_attributes as $_attribute){ var_dump($_attribute->debug()); } […]

Magento Developer’s Paradise Summary

I just arrived back in the US after a long weekend at the Magento Developer’s Paradise. We (David Alger and myself) had a great time at the event (see photos of the event below). There were a number of different types of attendees: Magento Professional & Enterprise development companies, extension development companies (like Webshopapps.com and […]

At a loss for words?

Wikipedia explains Lorem Ipsum as “placeholder text (filler text) commonly used to demonstrate the graphic elements of a document or visual presentation, such as font, typography, and layout.” Basically, this gives designers one less thing to worry about, so as not to get in the way of the creative process. If you don’t like doing […]

Ameds Featured on Official Magento Blog

I won’t lie.  We like being noticed.  That’s why we’re named Classy Llama. But we like it even BETTER when our clients are noticed.  Recently, Ameds.com, one of our Enterprise clients, was featured on the Magento blog. Magento said the following about our work on Ameds: “The migration of 40,000+ SKU storefront from a proprietary […]

Inspecting the contents of Magento models using debug() vs var_dump()

When you are developing for Magento, it is often helpful to see the contents of a Model. A model is a pretty complex object, so when you want to inspect the contents of the model, you generally don’t want to see all of its properties – all you’re really wanting to see is the contents […]

Enabling Xdebug’s Exception Handler in Magento

Magento’s default error and exception handlers provide more information than the default php handlers, as they print out a basic backtrace as opposed to just printing out the file and line number of the error but there are many times when Magento’s handlers just don’t cut it; times when you need to see the fully […]

Track Inventory for Configurable Products

We recently had a client who needed to be able to manage inventory for configurable products in Magento. Since configurable products are intended to merely group simple products together, the ability to track inventory for configurable products is not something that is possible in a vanilla Magento install. I dug into the Magento codebase to […]

Disabling Javascript Merging in Magento

If you have ever written Javascript for Magento, you have probably been frustrated by the fact that Magento merges all of its JS files before outputting them to the front end. This makes debugging difficult for a few of reasons: It makes it more difficult to see if your JS file is even being loaded […]