Open Letter to Facebook: No-Brainer PPC Advertising Improvement (Recent Status Change Targeting)
There’s something important missing in Facebook PPC targeting! Hi, Facebook. First. I love so many of the things you do. In fact, I wanted to talk to you about one of them today: Your PPC advertising platform. Except, instead of gushing about how awesome it is (which I believe), I wanted to offer instead an […]
Classy Llama Christmas 2011
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the office, No keyboard was silent, not even a mouse. Our team members were working with detail and care, In hopes that their projects online would appear… This year at Classy Llama Studios, we decided to make an extra creative effort in sending our clients a token of […]
Staying Safe During the Online Christmas Shopping Season
With Christmas fast-approaching, most of the llamas and their families are heading to online stores to find gifts. You already know the reasons for wanting to shop online: awesome prices, free shipping, wider selection, and not paying sales tax. Possibly most importantly: the only way to do all of your shopping in pajamas! Here at […]
X.commerce Innovate Developers Conference Day 2 Highlights
Yesterday was all about X.commerce and the community at large, but today we focused solely on Magento. During the first session, we got to hear from Dmitry Soroka about what the Magento 2 roadmap looks like. Magento is putting a lot of effort into making Magento 2 a real upgrade from Magento 1: making it […]
X.commerce Innovate Developers Conference Day 1 Recap
Good golly, what a day! So much ground was covered today. It would be really hard to talk about every single thing that happened today, but we’d like to share we you some cool & interesting highlights from the first day of the Innovate Developers Conference. This conference is not just a Magento or a […]
Heading to the X.commerce Innovate Developer Conference
On Tuesday, a few of us llamas will be heading over to San Francisco to attend to the Innovate Developer’s Conference. We’re really excited to be a part of this conference for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, we’re enthusiastic about the potential the X.commerce platforms bring to the Magento and eCommerce communities. It […]
Magento Modules and the Community
This post outlines some of our thoughts about the state of the Magento module community, and an idea for how Magento can improve the quality of that community. This post outlines some of our thoughts about the state of the Magento module community, and an idea for how Magento can improve the quality of that […]
Wiz 0.9.5: Admin & Developer Tools, Batch Output
The latest batch of Wiz updates includes some useful stuff for developers as well as some administrative features. Included in this bundle of Wizzy goodness is the ability to output any table output in csv, pipe, or tab delimited output. This makes it very easy to utilize Wiz with other commands (or potentially feed information […]
The Magento Developer Certification
As many of you know, Magento recently announced their Magento Developer Certification program. As one of the few partners involved with Magento since its inception, we’re especially excited to see this long-awaited program finally being launched. Due to our depth of knowledge and experience with the Magento platform, Magento invited us to be a part […]
Documentation, Markdown, and Pandoc
We’ve been doing a ton of work on documentation around llamaville lately, and since many of us working here are programmer types, most of our doc systems are configured to use the Markdown markup language (link) for writing richly formatted content. This is great, with one small problem – our project management system doesn’t currently […]