Ren - The Ninja Llama


You wake up, and the trash cans are empty. You flip a switch, and the lights come on. Your house doesn’t leak, your plumbing works, your home is warm, and there’s food in the fridge. We take these things for granted, but behind each of these seemingly insignificant conveniences is an army of unseen servants diligently working to make your life better.

And that’s who Ren the Ninja Llama is designed to represent and celebrate. While Ren Shinobu is a highly skilled and experienced ninja llama, like these workers, he serves others without being seen or noticed. Why, you might ask? It’s not for glory that he diligently labors, for he must remain unseen… no, it’s because it’s who he is and what he was made for.


Follow along with Ren on his journey! You can share your own adventures with Ren using the hashtag #wheresren


In 2013, Classy Llama Founder & CEO Kurt Theobald noticed a quality plush lion at a competitor’s booth at a tradeshow shortly before it opened. He inquired about it for his two-year-old daughter, but he was informed by the attendants that the lions were only for qualified potential customers. Feeling disappointed and rejected, he quietly vowed to create an insanely great plush creature for parents to take home to their kids (and dogs) that would be given to any and all, even competitors and passers-by. Nobody would be rejected because most everyone has kids they’re missing while on the road and deserve an amazing homecoming experience after being apart for so long.

At a major industry conference in 2014, the first plush llama was distributed by the hundreds, and it quickly became clear that he wasn’t alone in his desire to take home premium-grade gifts to children waiting at home. They ran out of llamas to hand out by halfway through the second day.

Since that time (except for a supply chain gap in 2020-2021), Classy Llama has continued to meticulously design and release new plush llamas every year, and since Courage Llama was released in 2018, each has had its own unique theme pivoting from a core value of the company. We continue to build on each year’s learning to make the next year the best ever, and the 2024 Ninja Llama is no exception! We hope it brings great joy and inspiration to you and your family.


Classy Llama is a digital consultancy focused on helping B2B industrial companies navigate the rewarding but risk-intensive digital transformation journey. From analysis and roadmapping to production and delivery, Classy Llama partners with our clients every step of the way.

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