One Step Checkout

All States Ag Parts wanted to enhance the checkout process by reducing the number of steps needed to submit an order. They also wanted to give users the option to edit their cart on the checkout page, a feature not supported by Magento natively. Classy Llama’s solution was a custom modified version of the MageDelight One-Step Checkout Extension styled to match the theme of All States Ag Parts’ website. This feature would place all necessary checkout steps on one page rather than many.

With one step checkout, customers can now check out as a guest or sign in with an existing account on the same page. The user may also reset their password from the checkout page. And, if the customer does not have an account, they can proceed to create one after submitting the order. The customer never needs to leave checkout to sign into or create an account.

There were a few features All States Ag Parts had already implemented on their previous site to reduce the time spent in checkout. They used Addressy for Address Verification and auto-filling address fields. Classy Llama made it possible for All States Ag Parts to keep using Addressy’s features by integrating it into their new checkout. If a customer has cookies saved for address information, the address fields are auto-populated and verified by Addressy. If they don’t have address information saved, Addressy will begin suggesting possible addresses as the customer types. Once the customer sees their address, they can select it and Addressy will auto-fill all the address fields.

With all steps visible on one page, Classy Llama wanted to make sure users still knew how to move through the checkout process. Since shipping methods update dynamically based on address information, Classy Llama modified shipping and payment areas to load after the user enters their address. This feature makes it clear what fields need to be entered first. They also added tooltips and error messages to help users understand why information such as email or phone number is required.

The most significant feature of All State Ag Parts’ new one step checkout is the ability for users to edit their cart on the checkout page. They can remove or change the quantity of items in checkout. Cart management is not a feature supported by the native Magento checkout, so we modified the one step checkout extension to make this possible.

Extensive quality assurance tests were done to make sure the new check out process was smooth across all browsers and devices. Classy Llama used HotJar to review users’ sessions on the checkout page. During this process, several UX bugs were noted and fixed. Classy Llama’s modified version of the MageDelight One-Step Checkout Extension reduced the number of clicks needed to purchase from All States Ag Parts. Fewer clicks mean less time is needed to submit an order and complete the checkout process. With an order summary and the ability to edit their order on the checkout page, customers have fewer reasons to leave the checkout area. The result for All States Ag Parts is reduced cart abandonments across all devices.

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