Llama Loose In LA: Speaks At Magento Imagine Conference

Listen up Magento fans! (Yes, Mr. or Mrs. Potential-client-considering-Classy-Llama’s-proficiency, that means you, too.)

If you thought Classy Llama Studios was just “in it for the short term” or simply “out to make a buck” then think again! We are, in fact, all about impacting the globe and everyone in it. To that end, we use Magento as our e-commerce platform of choice. But! We don’t stop with just using the platform: we find ways to make it, and its use, even better.

That’s why we’re sending Erik Hansen, our Director of Technology (and one of our top llamas), over to bright and sunny California to speak at the incredible Magento Imagine eCommerce conference!

Erik’s slice of the seminar, called “Best Practices for Magento Debugging”, will provide a whirlwind tour covering the ideal Magento environment configuration, debug steps for common development problems, and tips on debugging with an Eclipse-based editor. (For those of you readers not interested in the guts of the workshop or the innards of Magento, let’s just say that we really know our stuff.)

For you Llama-like techies who may be attending this near-earth-shattering event, upon completion of Erik’s workshop, you’ll be able to:

  • Customize your Magento installation to provide you with rich debug data for errors and exceptions
  • Uncover the cause of mysterious issues plaguing a Magento site
  • Debug more effectively using an Eclipse-based editor

We hope you’ll go…and if you’re able to make it to the conference, please stop by and say “Hi!” to Erik for all of us lonely llamas not in California with you.

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