Editing Magento’s Footer Links

To follow up on our post about editing Magento’s top links, I thought I might as well write an article about editing the footer links while I’m at it.  I’d recommend reading our post about using a local.xml file before getting started on this post.  This post might not make much sense until you read it. [NOTE: This specific example assumes you are using the blank theme. Layout handles may differ from theme to theme.]

In local.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<layout version="0.1.0">
        <reference name="footer_links">
            <!-- Add custom links. Pretty self-explanatory.
            Dig into app/code/core/Mage/Page/Block/Template/Links.php for more info -->
            <action method="addLink" translate="label title">
                <label>About Us</label>
                <url>about</url>  <!-- can use a full url if not using urlParams below -->
                <title>About Us</title>
                <prepare>true</prepare> <!-- set true if adding base url param -->
                <urlParams helper="core/url/getHomeUrl"/> <!-- base url - thanks @Russ! -->
                <!-- there are a few param you can send to do different things in <urlParams> 
                         dig into app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Url.php, around line 803 -->                   
                <!-- below adds #add-fragment to the end of your url -->
                <!-- <urlParams><_fragment>add-fragment</_fragment></urlParams> -->
                <!-- below adds ?add-query to the end of your url -->
                <!-- <urlParams><_query>add-fragment</_query></urlParams> -->
                <!-- below gives you a new session id (i think...)-->
                <!-- <urlParams><_nosid>true</_nosid></urlParams> -->
                <!-- below replaces double quotes, single quotes, greater than, and less than signs 
                         to their respective url escaped replacements (%22, %27, %3E, %3C) -->
                <!-- <urlParams><_escape>i'm-a-blog-url</_escape></urlParams> -->
            <!-- Remove 'Site Map' Link - Default Position: 10
            Original link adding in catalog.xml -->
            <action method="removeLinkByUrl"><url helper="catalog/map/getCategoryUrl" /></action>
            <!-- Remove 'Search Terms' Link - Default Position: 20
            Original link adding in catalogsearch.xml-->
            <action method="removeLinkByUrl"><url helper="catalogsearch/getSearchTermUrl" /></action>
            <!-- Remove 'Advanced Search' - Default Position: 30
            Original link adding in catalogsearch.xml-->
            <action method="removeLinkByUrl"><url helper="catalogsearch/getAdvancedSearchUrl" /></action>
            <!-- Remove 'Contact Us' link - Original link in contacts.xml
            <!-- Best bet to go to Magento's Admin > System > Configuration > (left sidebar) Contacts
            > Contact Us Enabled = NO -->
            <!-- You can pass the full url, which is a hassle if you have dev and stage sites -->
            <action method="removeLinkByUrl"><url>http://YOUR_SITE.com/contacts/</url></action>
            <!-- see comments below for making a custom helper to remove contacts link
            no matter what your base url is  -->
        <!-- By default, Magento sets a static footer block. Find it in the admin under
        CMS > Static Blocks.
	<reference name="footer">
            <!-- Remove Magento's default static block and use the 'addLink' method above
            to add your custom and inline links.  I use the 'unsetChild' method as often as
            possible as opposed using the more final <remove name="cms_footer_links"/>
            just in case I want to add the block somewhere else -->
            <action method="unsetChild"><name>cms_footer_links</name></action>
            <!-- Remove all the other Magento links - "Site Map, Search Terms, Advanced Search, and
            Contact Us" -->
            <action method="unsetChild"><name>footer_links</name></action> <!-- Magento 1.4.x -->

If all else fails, you can edit template/page/template/links.phtml. However, if you can make all your changes in local.xml, your life will be so much easier when it comes to upgrading Magento and making future edits.

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